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Spencer Gale, Born in 1999 in Pasadena California has a practice based in Altadena California, Chicago, and South Western Colorado. He is receiving his BFA at the School of the Arts Institute of Chicago. He is an interdisciplinary artist examining the relationship between found object sculpture and Light. He is interested in



My work explores light’s many fascinating aspects; I strive to create work that is joyful

and has that “wow” factor that is exciting. I explore different concepts through this

broad umbrella, through my bone stacks I explore the aether qualities of light as a life

giving ora that surrounds and envelops my stacked sculptures. I also research the rich

color of high intensity light, investigating lasers mixing with different mediums to

create intricate and abstract forms. light also has a capacity to activate materials that I

am fascinated by, I enjoy diving into the UV and the infra red through niche interactions

like ultra violet lights ability to excite uranium into releasing photons when its

electrons move through different energy levels. Through my sculptural practice I reach

out into the scientific world and bring lights many fascinating qualities back to my

audience as an entertainment phenomenon. This is not the end all be all of my work

but it is often the mechanism through which I express my sculptural voice. I also

engage in a rich found object practice that is often interlaced into my other sculptural

goals. I think the story of an object and its acquisition layers my work in some

instances wether it be bones I spent my childhood gathering, Uranium glass hunted for

in upstate New York traced back to the victorian era, or construction materials like

street lights and man hole covers that have an irresistible quality to them I can’t

quantify; these materials supplement my goals as an artist.

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